I’m glad you’re here! I’m the Rheumatoid Arthritis Coach. Just like you, I have RA, so I know what it is like living with this autoimmune disease on a deeply personal level.
I’m also a nurse practitioner who has its of experience in healthcare, a mom to two boys, a wife and a dog mom to our family’s 2 golden retrievers.
After having my first son, my left thumb simply stopped working… I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t care for him, let alone, myself.
My world was quickly turned upside down.
It was hard for me to fathom how to do life with rheumatoid arthritis and a brand new baby. As if having to do life with just one of those wasn’t enough.
But worse – I couldn’t find the help I desperately needed. I was appalled at how lost, scared and helpless I felt despite my years of experience as a healthcare professional.
I’m sure you can relate!
It wasn’t much fun trying to buckle the straps of a car seat or feeding my baby a bottle with painful, swollen and red hands.
But I was determined that once I figured out how to live my best life, I was going to use my autoimmune disease for the betterment of others. And ever since my diagnosis, I have dedicated my life to helping women who have RA regain control of their lives by better managing their rheumatoid arthritis.
I have taught at colleges including Touro University, Roseman University, Nevada State College and the College of Southern Nevada. That’s why I decided to use my 18+ years of medical and 6+ years of teaching experience at the college level to form a custom 1:1 experience for women, just like you, who live with RA. All to help you regain control of your life by better managing your RA.
It’s my goal to help every coaching client make positive changes in their lives that are permanent, sustaining and will forever change your relationship with RA – for the better!
I will show you how to live a lifestyle that puts you back in the driver’s seat of your own body and mind.
Learn how to best manage your RA symptoms with
personalized coaching as unique as you are
from a coach who truly understands RA on a personal level!