When I received the diagnosis of R.A at age 72, I was shocked and terrified. I didn’t know what to do. There are very few doctors where I live that specialize in R.A. When I did find a physician who specialized in this area, she provided very little information regarding diet, lifestyle, medication, etc. When I was told it was an autoimmune disease, I panicked. Really! I immediately started looking online for books, articles and support groups on R.A. and Stefanie’s name came up right away. I explored her website and spoke with her. I felt cared for and confident in speaking with her. So, I signed up for her coaching program. I have never regretted this decision.
She helped reduce my fears and taught me to identify and address the symptoms that create inflammation. It made a huge difference in my quality of life. She showed me the importance of the mind, body connection and taught me the skills to live well without letting R.A. run my life. She brought humor into our sessions together which is so important when you are dealing with an autoimmune disease.
She was always present in our sessions. She listened carefully, something I believe is a gift to be heard and not diminished. Her knowledge of the medical aspect of R.A. is excellent. Thank you, Stefanie for being there for me. I feel so much better and happier as I move forward in my life. You are a gift and a bright light in this world.
Chronic pain not only took over my life, but my mind, thoughts, and emotions. I was struggling to control my anxiety day-to-day. I was also struggling to balance daily medications, energy highs and lows, and communicating with my health care team.
Stefanie, the rheumatoid arthritis coach, not only connected with me immediately, but provided me with tools that have been helpful even outside of managing my chronic pain. The tools were so simple, too– I still look back at screen shots I took on my smart phone to help me get through challenging life situations.
I enjoy my time with Stefanie so much that I can’t get enough. I have actually been working with her for over a year, and I plan to continue.
I have found so many benefits from working with Stefanie. I am a better mother and wife since working with her. I have even had more success with my small business because I have had clearer thoughts! I highly recommend her and her coaching program!
Six months after a diagnosis with Rheumatoid Arthritis., I hired Stefanie, as my RA coach, and I have no regrets.
With a history of neurological autoimmune disease, and recent breast cancer with a lumpectomy and radiation and now 5 years of a pill that decreases estrogen, I could not wrap my head around another major medical issue. There was no space in my brain.
The medical practice for RA that I picked did not help. Zero education of my new disorder. I was handed a sheet that stated the prescribed medication would cause lymphoma, I was not on board.
Stefanie Remson’s knowledge and skill set on RA is extensive. She is herself an individual with the diagnosis of RA, she also is a wife, mother and Family Nurse Practitioner, Stefanie has taken her extensive knowledge and rolled it into a curriculum for others with a diagnosis of RA.
In our 12 sessions, I learned enough to go forward with confidence in addressing RA. RA no longer takes over my body or my life.
My name is Marianne. I have suffered from RA for 5 years since having chemotherapy for breast cancer. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia along with osteoarthritis of my hands and knees. I have been a medical assistant for 34 years and had to recently move from VA to my home in PA with my mom due to not being able to work anymore– Talk about depression and sadness! I was 52 years old, living on my own since I was 18 and now had severe hand pain and couldn’t do my job anymore. I have since found some relief from the pain and I am able to work 20 hours a week. I joined several RA groups, but no one had solutions… They just talked about their situations. I wanted solutions to get back to doing everyday life like working since I worked 3 jobs before my hand pain became severe. Then one day a few months ago my son told me about this NP who was also a Rheumatoid Coach. Imagine my happiness!! My son suggested that I start following her on social media and sign up for her free email letters. This was one of the best decisions of my life. I was thrilled, someone who worked in the medical field like me and had RA. I started reading her blogs and several of them really influenced me. I never took my disease seriously until I met Stefanie. I didn’t want to accept I had limitations but she has taught me to make adaptations and live a productive life again. (For example, One of her blogs was about wearing a blouse that had a neck button in the back and she was struggling with buttoning it, so she just wore a scarf and no one knew any different. It was an eye opener for me that there were actual ways to make my life easier and save my strength for my job.) Then it only gets better, I won 3 free sessions with Stefanie through a social media contest– I couldn’t have asked for a better life altering gift! During my Illuminate sessions with Stefanie, I have learned how to adapt my life with Rheumatoid Arthritis and not let it control my life. I have also realized just because people appear to be handling the day well, does not mean they didn’t make adaptations earlier in the day to get them there. My life has taken a whole new avenue since having my Illuminate! Your Life with RA! sessions with Stefanie! Please sign up to work with her… You won’t regret it!
Before I get into how much Stefanie, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Coach, has helped my family and I, some context is warranted. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Stefanie in a clinical setting — although not clinical myself, I’ve been able to witness Stefanie‘s clinical prowess in person.
Later, after finding out Stefanie dabbled in Rheumatoid Arthritis coaching, mentorship, and healing, I connected her with my mother who suffers with RA. I’d like to say Stefanie helped my mother most, but that’s just not true. Stefanie provided my mother clinical expertise, ideas, concepts, and solutions that I so wish I could’ve articulated to my mother personally. Even if I had been able to find the words, they wouldn’t of come with the respect that Stefanie brings into the RA arena. Stefanie removed a huge burden from my shoulders, and continues to provide resources that help me navigate my mother’s RA.
Having worked with Stefanie, I’ll bounce back to a concept: there is a clinical side to medicine, and there is a human side to medicine. Many providers are capable of administering the clinical side of medicine; few are capable of sharing the human side. Stefanie is so capable of putting herself in your shoes and experiencing the challenges you’re facing with you instead of just observing and writing a prescription.
I will never forget the day my mother called me, in tears, because Stefanie had taught her how to brush her teeth without pain. A simple solution, neither of us had thought of. Clinical medicine doesn’t provide those solutions; human medicine does. There are things in life a textbook cannot teach you, and there are bridges only a person traumatized by chronic illness can cross. Stefanie, a clinician, friend, wife, and mother of two beautiful boys, trail-blazed that bridge in front of your journey so you’d have footsteps to step in and know, without a doubt, you weren’t walking alone.
Can Stefanie solve all your problems? Absolutely not. Can she bridge the gap between medicine and actual experience? Absolutely.
Healthcare is an incredibly difficult thing to navigate. Honestly, I struggle with it myself and I’ve been in the industry for over 15 years. It’s easy to feel like there’s nowhere to turn, or like nobody understands your challenges and goals. Entering a setting like the one-on-one coaching Stefanie offers, is a game changer for your health. You’ve likely never known what it’s like to have a personal clinical advocate that is invested in your well-being and health outcomes the way Stefanie is. Based on the experience with my family, it was clear Stefanie was there to help — actually problem solve with us and create lasting solutions. She can help you too.
When I was first diagnosed with RA, I was lost. I couldn’t function at home or in my job. I went from being a very physically active 57-year-old woman with a busy career and personal life to someone who was having difficulty getting out of bed or meeting my own basic needs. It was very isolating. Communicating with my doctors and managing my medications was a whole new and scary world. I felt like I was learning a new language in a foreign land! Between the pain and wierd symptoms that seemed to pop up every day, and the medications with their side effects, I was discouraged and overwhelmed. It seemed like I was never going to be able to pull myself out of what looked like a very bleak future. I found my RA Coach, Stefanie around 10 months after my diagnosis and my only regret is that I didn’t find her sooner. She reviewed my treatment program with me, helps me manage my treatments and gives me great advice. It’s been a tremendous benefit to be able to get answers or direction between appointments with my rheumatologist. It’s also been a great comfort to know that I have a knowledgeable professional to help provide me with treatment advice or even help me with hair products to use on my “RA hair”. Without her encouragement, I think I would have given up too easy on some of the medications and I’m glad that I didn’t. Her positive and realistic approach helps me to reframe how my circumstance impacts my day-to-day life. I truly believe that I wouldn’t be as stable physically or mentally if I was trying to navigate this journey on my own. I’m grateful that this service is available to me and consider this one of the best health investments I’ve ever made.
I have an autoimmune disease, yes, but I also have a life outside of it. I have 5 children, a soon-to-be ex-husband, and a full time career. Stefanie made the time to listen to me, learn about my life, and outlined plans that helped me and only me. Everything was specifically tailored to MY needs! It was obvious that my 5-kid, career-mom life was not fitting into any other program or counseling session. I had failed so many before! I have learned to completely avoid triggers and I have not had a flare in 18 months. I also have tools to deal with the psychological challenges that come along with this disease and I no longer feel guilty, sad, or overwhelmed day to day.
I would highly recommend her and her program.
I signed up for Stefanie’s program at the beginning of the pandemic and local shut down. I am a hair stylist and was unable to work for 6 weeks. I was in a deep depression and my symptoms were only getting worse every single day. Stefanie helped me deal with myself and the world around me. I am able to better control my depression and anxiety with the tools and teachings I received during this program. I am a healthier person, better mother, and more productive career-woman than I have been in my entire life! I am so excited to continue my journey that I signed up to continue for another 12 weeks!
I was lucky enough to be mostly symptom free for 12 + years after RA diagnosis and Humira treatment. Around 2019, the honeymoon was over and I began struggling with pain, inflammation and a merry-go-round of prescriptions in addition to lots of steroid shots and pills for relief. Then the onset of heart issues and my hands changing was more than I could take. I’ve always prided myself on facing things, finding solutions and picking myself up by my bootstraps. But, after a year or more of feeling sad, angry, and helpless, I decided something had to change or my story ending wouldn’t be happy. The tools she’s provided (both tangible and cognitive) and the support from her also as a medical professional dealing with this challenging disease have been a Godsend. Her positive attitude, how she faces RA challenges and full life is a testament to her skills and coaching talent.
At the young age of 13, I was diagnosed with RA, and over the years, I’ve experienced numerous ups and downs while coping with this chronic illness. However, it was after giving birth to my first child at 32 that I faced significant challenges in managing my joint pain. The daily pain and inflammation took a toll on my ability to care for my child, becoming a physical and emotional burden. Despite trying various medications I couldn’t get my joints under control and I knew I needed help.
That’s when I began sessions with Stefanie, and it was a relief to find support in my RA journey. Together, we delved into my diet and lifestyle to identify triggers and better understand my condition. Stefanie guided me through the process of exploring different medications with my doctor until we found the right treatment, which has greatly improved my symptoms. It has been incredibly important to have someone who can answer specific health questions and understand the experience both as a patient with RA and as a medical professional.
In addition to her medical expertise, Stefanie also assisted me in navigating the complex emotions that come with chronic pain. She helped me understand my feelings and work through times of anxiety. We even enjoyed laughs over stories of parenting and motherhood. Her professionalism and genuine care have made her an exceptional mentor throughout our sessions.
Working with Stefanie, the rheumatoid arthritis coach, was a game-changer for me. Her expertise, guidance, and unwavering support empowered me to manage my condition effectively and advocate for myself.
Stefanie devoted time to reviewing my medical records and understanding my health history dating 20 years from an initial RA diagnosis but more importantly she listened to what I was experiencing as present-day pain which didn’t align with the RA treatment I had been receiving for the past six years. She found something critical that was overlooked by my rheumatologist and that’s where working with Stefanie was life changing.
I’ve had a diagnosis of RA in my hands since my twenties (I’m now in my forties) but the chronic, severe, life-altering pain was in my hips and rheumatologists continued to treat my hip pain with a biologic and other RA medications that wasn’t addressing the pain or root cause of the pain. Stefanie knew my pain was not consistent with typical RA and coached me to address this with my rheumatologist. I did and an x-ray revealed severe joint deterioration from developmental hip dysplasia. I had one hip replaced in fall 2023 with positive and immediate life changing results! One more to go in spring 2024 and I’ll be back to my previous active lifestyle.
Stefanie’s encouragement and support week after week, even when I wasn’t at my best, was exactly what I needed. Thanks to Stefanie’s dedication and compassion, I feel more empowered and in control of my health than ever before. I highly recommend working with her, and I am so thankful for our time together!
Stefanie coached me this year and made a very positive impact in my life and managing my RA. Not only did she help explain my test results, she gave me advice on ways to navigate the healthcare system, and a different outlook on managing day-to-day life with RA. For anyone who just got diagnosed with RA, or someone who is looking for a positive reinforcement on managing life with RA, I highly recommend Stefanie’s coaching!